Year 7 Applications

  £70 support for Beret and Jumper uniform purchases to all students joining in September 2024 & 2025

Applying for a place

Was your child born between 01/09/13 and 31/08/14?

Our prospectus is available to view on our website or please request a copy from the school.  

The admissions officer's email address is and telephone number is 020 7928 6801. (main switchboard).

Please do make sure you submit the  CAF by 31st October 2024 if you do not manage to do this it will significantly reduce the likelihood of your child gaining a place at the school. 

Please complete the Supplementary Form below.

Supplementary Information Form

For Entry into Year 7 in September 2025
For children born between 01 September 2013 and 31 August 2014


The address given MUST be the one that you and the child currently reside at and MUST match the address on your common application form (CAF).

Oversubscription Criteria

If you would like your application to be considered under ANY of the priority oversubscription criteria of Looked After Children; Siblings; Social/Medical Needs; Children of Staff, please complete the relevant details below.

Please see the school's Admissions Policy for full details of the oversubscription criteria.

Looked After Child (LAC)

Is this child now, or have they ever been in the care of a Local Authority or provided with Local Authority accomodation by that Authority (according to the Children Act 1989), Adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (according to the Adoption and Children Act 2002) Evidence of LAC status MUST be provided.


Is a brother/sister (6th Form) currently on role at LNS and will they be expected to still be on role in September 2023?


Do you consider your child to have an exceptional social or medical need which can only be met at LNS?

Social/Medical applications must be supported by at least two forms of written professional evidence for example registered health professionals of social workers.

Your evidence must be clear as to why LNS is the most suitable school and what difficulties would occur if the child had to go elsewhere.

If yes support evidence MUST be provided.

Additional Applications

Are you also applying for a twin/triplet/half brother/sister/sibling for year 7 for September 2021?

Does your child need support in English as a Second Language?

Does this child have any health problems, special educational needs or difficulties regarding gaining access to LNS that we need to be aware of for the admissions test (epilepsy, hearing or sight problems, dyslexia, mobility issues)

Check List

Please ensure you have completed this application in full.

If you are applying under the oversubscription criteria of LAC or Social/Medical Needs, please ensure you have attached supporting evidence.

A reminder that you must also submit a Common Application Form (CAF) to your home Local Authority by 31 October 2023.

Have you completed a CAF with your home Local Authority?


I confirm that the information provided is correct at the time of application and that any false or deliberately misleading information given may render this application invalid or lead to the offer of a place being withdrawn.