
Learning Support Information

Local Offer SEND 2022/23

SEND Information

Specialist support for literacy summary (1)

Specialist Support for Literacy (2)

Speech and Language summary

The purpose of Learning Support in the London Nautical School is to provide an inclusive, coherent, effective and co-ordinated support structure for all pupils facing barriers to learning in all Key Stages.

The Learning Support system exists to support the academic and pastoral processes of the school and not to replace them. This structure seeks to co-ordinate support to pupils with particular needs; for example those with special educational needs (SEN), the disaffected, the gifted and talented, truants, borderline achievers and students with English as an additional language. In this way it aims to co-ordinate a range of separately funded strands of individual support and at the same time provide the discrete delivery of each in a relevant and focused manner.


  • to enable all pupils to have access to the curriculum and to achieve at a level commensurate with their ability


  • to support directly those pupils identified as having barriers to learning

  • to ensure accessibility to an appropriate and relevant curriculum

  • to help raise identified pupils' levels of achievement and attainment

  • to enhance the self- esteem of pupils identified in need of learning support

Special Educational Needs Overview

The School's SEN policy is seen as an adjunct to the promotion of inclusive education for all registered pupils at LNS.

SEN Practice

(a) Screening

  • Prior to pupils commencing at the school, primary schools are contacted and asked for specific information regarding particular pupils' needs. This information, together with early parental involvement, forms the initial stage in the planning process.

  • All teachers are expected to advise the SENCo of any learning difficulties encountered throughout the school, enabling screening to be an ongoing process.

(b) Diagnosis

  • The names of boys identified are then entered into the register and their particular needs are highlighted.  This may be done through specific diagnostic tests carried out by the SENCo or by other professional agencies, when necessary.

(c) Action

  • This phase involves construction of a student profile and individual support plan for each pupil at Statement/ EHCP and SEN support level, as outlined in the 2014 Code of Practice. It states the individual's needs and details the programme to be followed, indicating specific resources and staff involvement, together with details for assessment.

(d) Assessment and Evaluation

  • The SEN register will be reviewed each term (Autumn, Spring and Summer) by the SENCo and/or external professional bodies as necessary. The IEP will be evaluated and future programmes planned as a result.

  • At this stage, if appropriate, Statutory Assessment will be sought through an SEN support plan. Once the SEN support plan is in place, parents can also apply for an Education, Health and Care plan form their Local Education Authority.

  • The SENCo, in conjunction with parents, pupils, school staff and any relevant external professionals, will review the IEP of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care plan termly.

(e) Resources

The SENCo is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are available in each curriculum area for all pupils on the SEN register, in consultation with each Head of Department. Where an Education, Health and Care plan is agreed by the Local authority, a planning meeting will be held to discuss and implement the appropriate levels of support. This planning meeting will be help at intervals in the academic year and will review the child's progress in relation to their targets and highlighted barriers to learning.

Specialist Support

Our Specialist Support inlcudes:

  • SALT summary attached
  • photographs of interventions attached
  • specialist support for literacy summary & Lexia update attached

Extra Curricular Activities

Tall ships, October 2022


If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) you need to apply by a different process. Please ask the advice of your Local Authority or your Primary School.

If your child has Special Needs or is on SEN Support you should complete the Common Application Form and London Nautical School Supplementary Information Form.