Values and Ethos

The history of LNS lends itself to being unique.

We are proud of what we stand for at LNS and how that fits into our mission and our pupil code of conduct which is also below.

Nautical ethos of mutual respect, hard work, self-discipline and care for others leading to learning to become a self-disciplined leader

Achievement: learn and achieve beyond my expectations within an internationally-enriched and expansive curriculum, using world-class technology, with people who care

Understanding of me as an individual: staff who know me by name and help make my experience of school rich and happy

Teaching that inspires me, that challenges me, that gives me a lifelong love of learning

Interact with our local community and develop strong partnerships between it, school and home.

Care and value my education and to be challenged, engaged and excited about learning

Aspire to make a difference through our academic, moral and social formation

Learn and prepare for life beyond school and learn to respect the world around us displaying tolerance and an open attitude of mind.


The outline of our expectations for our students is:
We will all do our best to behave in a way which shows Respect for Learning.

This means:

  • Attending: each day and arriving on time for school and lessons

  • Prepared: Bring everything we need to lessons and complete all homework

  • Listening: One voice in the room so that the thoughts and answers of all are respected

  • Behaving: Be on task throughout the lesson - making it easy for everyone to learn and for the teacher to teach

We will all do our best to behave in a way that shows Respect for Self

This means:

  • Uniform: Wearing our uniform properly and proudly, at all times

  • Integrity: Always doing the right thing, even when others are not looking

  • Best: Doing our best and taking pride in all class and independent learning

  • Care: Taking good care of ourselves, our property and our time

We will all do our best to behave in a way that shows Respect for Others. 

This means:

  • Kind: Being courteous, co-operative, friendly and showing consideration for other people’s feelings and points of view

  • Humble: Always thinking the best for others before ourselves, being respectful in victory and defeat

  • Language: Always speaking in a respectful way towards students and staff, never using racist, sexist or homophobic terms

  • Safe: Moving around the school safely and sensibly, taking care of other people’s property

We will all behave in a way that shows Respect for the School. 

This means:

  • Wearing the correct clothes for school – both on the way to and from school

  • Taking good care of property and the environment, in and around the school

  • Making sure we always give the right impression of the school

    Playing an active part in helping improve the school and the local community

  • Not have mobile phones out in school. On-site out of sight!